Who is behind all this being crazy about wool (Wollfimmel)? It is me, just about being „over the hill“, married (quite a long time with 27 years now) and working as an executive assistant in full-time - you need a lot of money when you are crazy about wool. And since that is by far not enough together with household, management of a holiday apartment and holiday Villa, gardening, cooking, cleaning, ironing, and, and, and , I also make an education for a Tierheilpraktikerin. My hot-beloved cat Gismo thanks me with his proud 17 years - fit as a sneaker despite several years pf thyroid overfunction and renal insufficiency.
All in all everything has to be well organized so that I have enough time for my Wollfimmel.
This gave me the idea to set up this website and to provide you a platform where you can find everything of interest in “one ball of wool”. The more” threads” are coming together – the better. My plan is to put older contributions into the blog so that nothing gets lost and the database is growing day by day. Currently I´m setting up this website so please be patient about not finding everything right now.
Happy Knitting and Weaving
Claudia - the one, being crazy about yarn (Wollfimmel)
I hope you enjoy browsing through my website. If you miss something, if you like something, if you find a mistake, if you want to share your projects or need some advice - just send me a note via my email hallo@wollfimmel.com or the contact form. I´m looking forward to hearing from you.